Portable branches

The company depends on the list of names, the closest opportunity for our customers, by opening more than one small booth in the cooperative area

Such as: Mishref Association - Qortuba - Bayan


This branch is designed to be a rare modern masterpiece in sewing, In terms of elegance and luxury, this branch is distinguished by the embroidery service, And the fitting room and its vital location in the complex.


Where this branch is characterized by privacy and tranquility due to the location of the branch, It excels in sewing service due to its size and fitting room.

Promenade Mall

Where this branch is characterized by privacy and tranquility due to the location of the branch

It excels in sewing service due to its size and fitting room


the main idea of this branch is too be more close to provide the best sewing services and the fastest .

Al- Yarmuk Saqran Mall

Family vibe branch for all your sewing services , private fitting room to serve you as you needed 🪡

City Center Dasmah


To be closer to you, we are located in the West Mishref area for express service at your service

West Mishrif Mall

To be closer to you, we are in the Co -OP Qartuba at your service
